As the days lengthen and the warmth of spring approaches, our allotment at Healthy Minds is buzzing with activity. From planting new seeds to nurturing existing growth, our dedicated team is hard at work, preparing the soil and tending to our beloved green space.
Find out what's afoot through our latest collection of photos - simply hover or click to read the captions. Illuminating Mental Health in Ethnic Communities
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us for our annual Winter Warmer on November 30th at Mytholmroyd Community & Leisure Centre.
The evening was filled with joy and camaraderie, providing a safe and welcoming space for all attendees. The buffet and refreshments were particularly delicious, while the music, bingo, and raffles brought laughter and excitement. Special kudos to our volunteer DJ Dean, and our fantastic organisers Kat and Luan, along with all of the other dedicated staff and volunteers who made the event a resounding success. Click to view the gallery from the night, taken by our wonderful volunteer Witold Sochaczewski.
Ameen approaches his volunteering role with unwavering commitment, skill, empathy and compassion and everyone at Healthy Minds loves to work alongside him. He has given hundreds of hours of his time, not just to us but for Project Colt and the Samaritans as well! A true ambassador for volunteers and volunteering everywhere!
Want to learn more about Ameen? Read on!
Our Link project has been working with a service user at the wonderful Willow's Nook in Todmorden, guided by the incredible Fran and Lotti. This monthly venture over the last quarter has been magical!
Week 1 - Finding Voice and Calm: The participant learned how to use their voice when approaching the ponies. How to stay calm and move slowly. How the pony was feeling, and how to feed them. Week 2 - Connecting with the Senses: We focussed on our senses in the environment, wrote what we had captured, and shared our observations with the teams. Week 3 - Into the woods: Venturing into the woods with the ponies and dogs, and shared our collective experiences from the last couple of months. Our participant expressed a desire for more time at Willow's Nook, a sentiment that has been relayed to the management and staff. The impact of this experience really resonated deeply with everyone involved. As Carl G. Jung wisely said, "Know all the theories, master all the techniques, but as you touch a human soul, be just another human soul." View Simon's gorgeous snapshots below (you can click to enlarge).
The Big Swim is an event inspired by our very own Healthy Minds champion, Nikki Stocks. Nikki knows from her own experiences that swimming is great for people’s mental health and wellbeing. As our ‘Big Swim’ celebrity, Nikki chose her own challenge – to swim a full mile across all three pools in two hours. Wow!
February 2025
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