The Healthy Minds Board of trustees met on Wednesday evening, 22nd February 2023, with seven trustees present, and Chief Officer, Operations Manager, Business Sustainability Manager, Community Health and Wellbeing Service Manager and Project Worker (presentation on the Community Health and Wellbeing service) and Admin Support (notes), also in attendance.
The Healthy Minds Community Health and Wellbeing Service Manager and one of the Project Workers, provided an excellent presentation on this innovative service. The service is piloting the “Brazilian Model” for health care, along with Westminster, Warrington, and a few other places in the country. Healthy Minds is unique in using this model with a mental health and wellbeing focus. With around 12 staff, the service provides access for local people to mental health and wellbeing services, through its proactive approach, and building local relationships. The feedback has been very positive. The service will be independently evaluated, and we intend to build a case for the service to be continued for many years. The Board welcomed the relaunch of the Forum, and looks forward to considering coproduced options for maintaining, building and developing membership arrangements. We hope to consider options and make any necessary changes and decisions, in the middle of 2023. The Board was pleased to approve a budget for 2023-24, which provides assurance for the funding of all current services and the supporting core team, for the coming financial year. The Board agreed its reserves for the coming year – its minimum requirement to manage risk, its maximum limit to ensure that our focus is on the funding and development of services. The Board also received and discussed the Chief Officer’s operational report, agreed a new Finance Policy, agreed Adult and Children Safeguarding Policies, agreed Board Forward Plan and dates for 2023-24, reviewed Finance SubCommittee notes, and reviewed Management Accounts as at the end of Quarter 3. Paul Hunt Chair of Trustees, 9th May 2023
The Healthy Minds Board of trustees met in person on Tuesday morning, 29th November 2022, with six trustees present, and Chief Officer, Operations Manager, Business Sustainability Manager, Projects Development Manager (presentation on the Staff Wellbeing Survey) and Admin Support (notes), also in attendance.
Healthy Minds’ Projects Development Manager, and lead for the Calderdale Wellbeing Service, presented the outcome of the recent Staff Wellbeing Survey. Trustees were glad to see that there was a high response rate for the survey (60% - NHS staff wellbeing survey responses are closer to 30%) and that there were plans in place to receive feedback from people who preferred, for any reason, not to return a survey. The Projects Development Manager set out the four areas which, according to the survey would improve wellbeing: improving the office environment; providing opportunities for improving physical health; better communication and clearer human resource (HR) processes; providing opportunities for staff bonding. Trustees were pleased to see responses already being put in place, and has asked for particular detail in relation to HR communications and processes. The Board thanked the Projects Development Manager for developing and presenting this most useful and important survey, all staff for providing feedback whether through survey or other means, and Healthy Minds leadership for introducing the survey. The Board considered a number of options for 2022-23 pay awards. The Board approved a flat-rate taxable payment to all current staff in employment for 3 months or more, pro rata. Salaries will be raised by the same amount from 1st April 2023, plus a 2023-24 pay award, to be agreed during 2023. All staff will receive an additional day’s annual leave from 1st April 2023. Staff with 5 years service or more will receive further additional day(s) annual leave, up to an additional 5 days for those with 10 years’ service or more. The Chief Officer will communicate the pay and annual leave award in full detail to all staff. The Board thanked Kiah for developing and presenting this most useful and important survey, all staff for providing feedback whether through survey or other means, and Healthy Minds leadership for introducing the survey. The Board also received and discussed the Chief Officer’s operational report, Annual Report and Annual Meeting (AGM) arrangements, an update on employment and other policies, and current financial position. The AGM will be on 14th December 2022, 6pm, before the Winter Warmer event, and is open to all. Trustees look forward to joining with staff, volunteers and service users at the Christmas Concert on 10th December, at the AGM and/or the Winter Warmer event on 14th December. Paul Hunt Chair of Trustees, 25th January 2023 Healthy Minds is the operating name for Calderdale Wellbeing, a limited company registered in England & Wales. We are registered as a charity with the Charity Commission. The board of trustees is accountable for the delivery of Healthy Minds’ aims and objectives. Our trustees, with their date of commencement, include: Lydia Blundell (2017), Freda Davis (2010), Jen Fagan (2009), Kate Hallitt (2018), Carla Harrison (2017), Paul Hunt (2019), Jonathan Morrish (2018), Naomi Sutcliffe (2017), Jonathan Stephen (2017). A full list of trustees may be found at Companies House.
The board of trustees meets 6 or 7 times a year. At our meeting of 20th April 2021, we agreed to begin publishing notes of board meetings. We plan to publish notes of each meeting, once they have been approved as an accurate note at the following board meeting. A note of our meeting held, July 20, 2021, can be found below: Note of Board Meeting 20/7/2021 The Healthy Minds board of trustees met via videoconference on Tuesday morning, 20th July 2021, with three trustees present, and Jonny, Di and Emma also in attendance. Jonny presented his written operational update to the board, together with a funding update. His written and verbal update included the approach proposed for emerging from lockdown. The main topic for discussion at the meeting was Healthy Minds’ Strategy. The current Strategy is for 2019-22 and may be found on the About Healthy Minds page of the website. We want to refresh of the Strategy, for 2022-25 (period to be confirmed). We want this to be done through staff, service user and trustee engagement, starting as soon as possible. We want to ensure that, in a context of organisational growth (staff turnover and new starters, new services, approaches to delivery such as hosting the public sector mental health project), sufficient attention is given in the Strategy to maintaining the identity and integrity. Our identity is our “anchor”, and what makes us, uniquely, Healthy Minds. We want to ensure that our stated values reflect this. We suggest adding some clear goals to our Strategy. We don’t necessarily want to lose the stated “challenges” but we think that there is a longer list of “drivers”, but that these need to be described more briefly so as not to take away from other parts of the strategy: ambition, values and (new) goals. The board of trustees looks forward to engagement on the Strategy in the autumn of 2021, and is aiming to launch the new Strategy at the AGM, provisionally planned for 24th November 2021. The board also considered other matters, including: quality standards for health, reports from the Development Sub-Committee and the Finance Committee. From this week, most of the remaining Covid-19 lockdown restrictions will be lifted. We know that there will be many different feelings about this, across staff, volunteers and service users. We support Calderdale Council’s message to remain cautious, be kind and help each other to stay safe. We want to strike a balance between what we are allowed to do and what we see as responsible to do. During lockdown, you have done fantastically well in successfully kept activities going online and by telephone. We see the value of a cautious approach. As we all play our part, we can look forward to being able to enjoy true freedom without such extreme caution – surely something we all want, whatever our views. Paul Hunt Chair of Trustees, 22/7/2021 Healthy Minds is the operating name for Calderdale Wellbeing, a limited company registered in England & Wales. We are registered as a charity with the Charity Commission. The board of trustees is accountable for the delivery of Healthy Minds’ aims and objectives. Our trustees, with their date of commencement, include: Lydia Blundell (2017), Freda Davis (2010), Jen Fagan (2009), Kate Hallitt (2018), Carla Harrison (2017), Paul Hunt (2019), Jonathan Morrish (2018), Naomi Sutcliffe (2017), Jonathan Stephen (2017). A full list of trustees may be found at Companies House. The board of trustees meets 6 or 7 times a year. At our meeting of 20th April 2021, we agreed to begin publishing notes of board meetings. We plan to publish notes of each meeting, once they have been approved as an accurate note at the following board meeting. A note of our meeting held, 24th February 2021, may be found below. Our next meeting will be on 9th June 2021. ![]()
February 2025
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